Stories are being used during all projects to keep the audience up to date. As for all other media, quality matters here as well.
These Instagram Stories were created in a catchy way to promote the destination via paid stories on Instagram.
Cinemagraphs are great to draw attention on a product or service or simply to convey the mood of a certain destination to the viewer without the need to implement a whole video on a website for example.
These videos are one man productions, created by myself as a side product while working on photo campaigns. Those projects take a minimum of 6 days, the post production of all video and photo content additional two to three weeks. They are best for quick campaigns with stills and video content and are best when combined with social media marketing.
These videos are part of greater ad campaigns produced by the community. The production time on location usually takes a minimum of one or two weeks with two to three months of post production. takes care of the concept, the organization, the film teams, the post production and the right advertising. The raw content of all video productions and stills of these projects always gets shared with the client.